Pledge Sports

How to Handle Athletic Performance Pressure

When participating in sports, pressure can be a major factor in how well you perform. Pressure can come from external sources like coaches and parents, or it can be self-imposed when athletes set high expectations for themselves.

Pressure can also come from the fact that so many are now turning to bet on the sporting events that take place. Sports betting options are incredibly popular for those who use the bookies that can be found on platforms like as punters know they are able to enjoy a quality experience whenever they place a bet, with each of the sessions enjoyed being extremely safe. 

Indeed, while pressure is inevitable, it doesn’t have to be overwhelming. Here are some tips on how to manage the pressure of performance in sport. 

Set Realistic Goals

One way to manage performance pressure is to set realistic goals. It’s important to strive for excellence in whatever endeavor you’re pursuing, but it’s also important not to put unrealistic expectations on yourself. Setting achievable goals will help relieve the burden of feeling like you always need to do better than what you’re capable of doing right now. 

Stay Positive

Another way to manage performance pressure is by staying positive. It can be easy to get discouraged if things don’t go your way or if you make mistakes along the way, but it’s important to stay positive and focus on what you’re doing right instead of dwelling on what went wrong. Keeping a positive attitude will help keep the pressure from getting overwhelming and will allow you to stay focused and motivated. 

Take Time for Yourself

One important way to manage performance pressure is by taking time for yourself. This could mean taking a break from practice or spending a few moments alone with your thoughts before a big game or match – whatever works best for you! Taking time for yourself can help clear your head and let you refocus so that when it comes time for competition, you feel prepared and ready.  It also gives your body and mind some much-needed rest after intense practice sessions!

Performance Anxiety Management Techniques

One technique that has been found to be beneficial for athletes facing performance pressure is called “thought stopping.” This involves recognizing negative thoughts as they arise and consciously replacing them with positive ones. For example, if a basketball player is feeling anxious about making a shot during a game, they might replace the thought “I can’t do this!” with something like “I know I can make this shot!” The goal is to focus on positive affirmations instead of succumbing to fear-based beliefs. 

Another effective strategy is visualization, which involves imagining yourself succeeding in whatever task you are attempting before you actually go out and do it. This helps create an inner vision of success and allows you to feel more confident in your abilities before taking action. Visualization also helps reduce anxiety by allowing a person to rehearse each step of their performance in their mind before actually executing it on the court or field.

Lastly, deep breathing exercises have been shown to reduce feelings of anxiety caused by performance pressure. Taking slow, deep breaths helps activate your body’s relaxation response while calming your racing mind and reducing stress hormones like cortisol from building up in your bloodstream. This can help an athlete clear their head and focus on their task at hand without feeling overwhelmed or anxious about their upcoming performance. 


As can be seen, there are a number of different ways in which athletes can handle pressure when it comes down to competing in sport. By following each of the methods and techniques mentioned above, you will have a better chance of being able to perform when required.

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