Pledge Sports

Running Man: Jim Gump – 11,000 down, 19,000 Miles To Go

Setting your mind to something is a part of life, it is how we achieve the goals that take us to the next step, whatever that step may be. For some, it could be walking to work rather than getting the bus. For others, it could be a Saturday morning cycle, or swim in the sea. This does not apply to Jim Gump, however.Jim Gump passes 11,000 miles

Jim Plunkett-Cole (Jim Gump) is an entirely different beast in this regard. Over the past 1407 consecutive days, Jim has been running, because this is what he has set his mind to. On November 8th, Jim ran his 11,000th mile. An achievement that many of us cannot begin to fathom, but one which he has checked off his impressive list of achievements nonetheless.

Jim Gump is currently running 20,000 miles across the US, the longest continuous run in history, in an effort to tackle obesity among children and inspire the younger generation to become more physically active and healthy.

In Jim’s own words, the Jim Gump project is, “An epic challenge to reach, engage, and inspire a generation”.

Amazingly, when Jim completes his 20,000 run around the US he will have actually run a total of 30,000 miles since starting his continuous daily run in January 2013. Believe it or not, Jim regularly runs seven marathons per week.

The size of this feat, coupled with the positive impact that comes with it is incredible. It is safe to say that Jim’s record breaking run has been nothing short of inspirational thus far.

As Jim Gump finishes up “Phase 1” of his run, it is vital to take notice of what he has achieved over the past seven or so weeks running in the US.

Through his Talk & Run school visits Jim Gump has reached out and inspired over 700 school children, many of whom, as Jim notes, have made the impressive step of going home and telling Mum and Dad about being more active.

Jim’s fantastic work has not gone under the radar either, with many people from each community and town coming out to support him as he passes through. In addition to that, the media have had great intrigue in the man who is not running for his life, but rather, for the lives of others.Jim Gump on the front page of a US newspaper

Jim Gump has appeared on the front page of two newspapers, three TV stations, and featured in the global publication that is The Washington Post.

It seems very much a case of setting up milestones and Jim just keeps knocking them down. On November 13th, after 44 days of running on American soil, Jim hit the 1,000 mile mark. As he treks across Houston, Texas he prepares for “Phase 2” of his project.

Support Jim Gump in changing the future

Selflessness has grown scarce in the modern day. The focus for many nowadays seldom goes beyond themselves. This makes Jim Gump’s efforts even more incredible. This run has taken over Jim’s life and while he continues to give all he can to making the lives of future generations healthier, this project does not come without great cost.Jim Gump talking to a US TV station

Jim Gump has raised just over £3,000 to date, but it is expected that to complete his 20,000 mile run he will require in excess of £20,000 in funding.

With every day that passes, Jim Gump’s funds diminish. He needs the support of the public to see his project through, and impact the lives of as many children as possible. Any amount at all will help sustain Jim in creating history.

To support Jim Gump, please visit his PledgeSports campaign at the following link –