How to treat Shin Splints: Expert Advice
Shin Splints are the bane of any pro athlete’s existence. Even us amateurs get them from time to time. They’ll creep up on you out of nowhere and put your body through a world of pain in the process. Thankfully we’ve got some great top tips on how to treat Shin Splints so you never have to suffer again!
1. Toe Curls
Stand with feet hip-width apart at the edge of a towel. With the toes of your left foot, gather the towel and slowly pull it toward you. Return to start and repeat with the other foot.
Toe curls are certainly one way to tackle the painful little buggers, but what do some of our athletes say about shin splints and their treatments?
We asked Emilia from the Swedish Seven’s rugby team and she said, “No, fortunately I’ve never had issues with shin splints. Can’t remember that anyone in the team struggles with it either,” she said.
Those mighty Scandinavians, doesn’t Thor hail from that neck of the woods??
2. Monster Walks
With feet shoulder-width apart, place a resistance band around your thighs and step forward and toward the right with your right leg. Bring your left leg up to meet your right, then step out toward the left. Then walk backward in the same way to return to the start. Repeat.
What does ultra-running wonder woman Sophie Rooney have to say on the matter? After becoming the first woman to run the entire length Scandinavia surely she can offer sound advice for us all?
“I have (touch wood) fortunately never suffered with shin splints! I did get a stress fracture though – not sure if it is the same thing. I got that from running a 50km race in the lakes off only four weeks training… which only I would be stupid enough to do!”
“My advice would be to take shorter strides and keep relaxed – but I am definitely not an expert!” said Sophie.
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3. Heel Drop
Stand on your toes on the edge of a step. Shift your weight to your right leg, take your left foot off the step, and lower your right heel down. Return to start, and then repeat with your left leg.
What about British Bobsleigh and Skeleton and Team GB Slider Kim Murray? Is she immune to shin splints too?
“Nothing too out of the ordinary but I use a lot of magnesium salt baths and arnica gel to keep aches and pains at bay when I am sliding. I use the magnesium range from ‘Better You’,” Kim said.
“I recently got shin splints at a concert. Rather ironic given that I have never got them running. Treatment was rest, low impact training such as swimming and bike to maintain fitness, taping and physio using ultrasound. It took 2 weeks and then back running as normal,” said Audrey.
What is wrong with everyone? Seems the case that being on PledgeSports means you don’t suffer from shin splints – interesting???
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4. One-Legged Bridges
Lie on your back with your arms out to the sides, knees bent, and feet flat on the floor. Squeeze your glutes to lift your hips up off the floor. Extend your left leg out and hold for 30 seconds (work up to 60-second holds), then lower it. Repeat with your other leg.
That one sounds easy, doesn’t it? Wonder have any of our athletes got even simpler treatments.
British hurdler and former European Championships silver medalist Lucy Hatton says, “Yoga is really good and epinsalt baths work too.”
British Nordic skier James Clugnet says, “The one time (I had shin splints) I used a mixture of essential oils such as gaultherie and arnica and a pair of contention socks while training.”
Best For Last: Bonus Advice
Would you believe, we know a guy who walks like the Monster Walks exercise all of the time? He is none other than the hobbit, Barefoot Aleks, the man running the length of Europe. Has he ever carried the horrible burden of shin splints at some point?
“Don’t think I’ve ever had them. Only been running four years. Generally it’s a muscle problem and you have to squeeze the crap out
of it!”
Choosing the right shoe for your foot
Great, another machine who feels no pain. He may have only been running for 4 years at the minute he is averaging 150-200 miles per week. Ales has covered 4,500 kilometres over the past few months and has 1,500 kilometres left to run as he becomes the first ever man to run the entire length of the continent. MACHINE.
Finally, Tongan skier and all-round legend Kasete Skeen has kindly given us insight to his skiing career and any run-ins he may have had with shin splints since taking on his quest to become Tonga’s first ever Winter Olympic skier.
“Luckily for me and unluckily for you I’ve never had shin splints so I can’t provide any insight I’m afraid. So far I’ve had a very injury free life which may be slightly in jeopardy now that I’m skiing all the time. It was my lungs and liver that were under strain when I was younger!” he says jokingly.