Pledge Sports

Most Common Sports Injuries

Unfortunately injuries are a common thing when it comes to playing sports, whether it is at professional level or amateur it is very hard to avoid some kind of injury. More importantly if you have ever tweaked a muscle or fractured a bone you may not know the exact way to treat or prevent it from happening again. Of course some injuries may be accidental although some are due to the hard conditions you are putting your body through on a daily basis.

sports injuries

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They are a serious thorn in the side of any fit or active person so we’re having a look at the most common sports injuries, from the least common to the most, along with possible causes, treatments and recovery strategies.

10. Hip Flexor Strain

Sports injuries to this muscle group can be caused by sprinting, running inclines and activities with quick turns and sudden starts. You would notice intense pain in the upper leg when raising your leg is you have ever strained your hip flexor. A hip flexor strain is best treated by rest and icing for 15 to 20 minutes at a time for the first 48 to 72 hours.

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9. ACL Tear

The anterior cruciate ligament, is one of the major stabilizing ligaments of the knee.The cause of such an injury can come from a sudden  pivot or change in direction. Ligaments on the inside of the knee are often torn with the ACL injury, making it a devastating event. A complete ACL tear would require surgery and a few months of recovery time with aggressive physical therapy before the athlete would be able to return to activity.

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8. Concussion

Concussions are essentially injuries to the brain. Concussions are serious injuries that should not be taken lightly. An athlete who experiences a concussion should seek out a certified athletic trainer or a physician with experience treating concussions. Common concussion symptoms can include:

  • Headache
  • Confusion
  • Dizziness
  • Nausea and/or vomiting
  • Slurred speech
  • Sensitivity to light

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7. Groin Pull

Groin muscles pull the legs together and are often injured with quick side-to-side movements and/or a lack of flexibility. Groin pull treatment includes rest and icing for 15 to 20 minutes periodically during the first 72 hours. A common stretch for the groin muscle would be to do snow angels laying on the floor.

6. Shin Splints

Athletes with shin splints complain of pain in the lower leg bone, or the tibia. Shin splints are most often found in athletes who are runners or participate in activities with a great deal of running, such as soccer. Purchasing shoes with good arch support can also reduce pain in the shins and help with recovery.

How to prevent and treat shin splints

5. Sciatica

Sciatica can be seen in athletes who are in a flexed forward posture, such as cyclists, or athletes who perform a great deal of trunk rotation in the swing sports, like golf and tennis. If pain, numbness or tingling persists for more than two weeks, then the athlete should seek out a medical professional, such as a physical therapist, to help alleviate sciatica symptoms. It may the cause of a budging disc or sometimes a pinched nerve.  Above advice given by a chiropractors in palm desert.

4. Hamstring Strain

The hamstring muscle is located on the back of the thigh. Unfortunately, the hamstring muscles can be tight and are susceptible to a strain, which is also called a pulled muscle. Poor stretching techniques or lack of stretching can be the cause of a hamstring tear or strain. Often, an athlete with a hamstring tear will experience bruising in the back of the thigh or the knee. Most common hamstring injuries are associated with footballers who tend to put massive amounts of strain of their hamstrings muscles over the duration of a 90 minute match.

3. Tennis Elbow

Tennis elbow is a painful condition caused by overusing your elbow. Repetitive motions, like those a tennis player or golfer would use, are to blame. Not only can you get tennis elbow from playing sports you may also receive tennis elbow from any activity that performs a repetitive motion. Icing will aid the inflammation of the elbow area and prevent further injury.

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2. Shoulder Injury

The shoulder is the weakest joint of the body and is subject to a great deal of force during athletic activities. Shoulder injuries cover a large number of sports injuries from dislocations, misalignment, strains on muscles and sprains of ligaments.

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1. Patellofemoral Syndrome

The majority of sports injuries involve the lower body, particularly knee injuries. One of the most common knee injuries is called patellofemoral syndrome. The patella, or kneecap, should travel in the groove at the end of the femur or thigh bone. Sometimes, a fall onto the knee can cause swelling, leading to a muscle imbalance of the two major muscles that aid in proper tracking of the kneecap in the groove.

Treatment plan for sports injuries

sports injuries

Minor sports injuries can be managed at home and should get better in a few days. The best home care is to use the R.I.C.E. treatment plan: Rest, Ice, Compression, and Elevation.

Rest – 24 – 48hr Period

Ice – 15-20 minutes every 4 hours

Compression – Keeping pressure on the injury will also help with swelling and will provide additional support.

Elevation – Propping up the affected area offers a few benefits, prevent swelling and and by keeping injury area propped up higher than the heart will aid recovery time.

Remember if you are not seeing any improvements with an injury, please see a doctor that will aid you in the right direction!

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