Becoming An Athlete: Essential Routines To Optimum Results
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Becoming An Athlete: Essential Routines To Optimum Results
Keeping oneself healthy is what we all should do; eating the right amount and kinds of food, and exercising daily to reduce the risk of acquiring diseases and a way to improve your well-being.
Most importantly, athletes need more of these things because they engage in activities that require more strength and energy. Thus, whatever sport they may be into; basketball, skeleton racing, powerlifting, tennis, and many more to mention, taking into consideration the exercises they take and maintaining a proper diet is an essential part.
One thing that most athletic individuals include in their routine practice is conditioning themselves to prepare their body for their events to compete. Hence, physical conditioning is just part of the exercising phases, along with these are three others more that can help burn as many calories as possible, while decreasing the chances of muscle stiffness, and assisting your cardiovascular system.
Getting warmed up
It is essential to compose your body before engaging in the activity of your workout’s conditioning phase. Thus, warming up is the first phase in exercising, and it is as simple as slowly walking for a few minutes, jogging before a vigorous run, performing light exercises such as side-arm lifting and walking on treadmills before lifting heavy objects.
Warming-up sets the body for more intense exercise and activities. Through raising the internal temperature, it absolutely “warm” your body. Lack of this phase can sometimes cause immobility and rigidity.
Stretching your muscles
Moreover, stretching comes after warming up your body; a person’s desires to avoid undesired body pain after working out and keeping up with your body’s pacing, stretching will keep your muscles ready and upright most especially to athletes for long days of preparing for their sports events.
In particular, stretching is not going to offer you ideal flexibility with just one trial because, for you to aim the desired outcome, you need to stay dedicated to the phase and do this over time.
Taking multivitamins and such could provide nutrients needed in your physique to cope up with minimal discomfort and even help to avoid experiencing such.
Common to everybody are pains felt in the muscles and through the bones. Thus, bone fractures appear to decrease when you take these exercises and at the same time, consume vitamins and minerals that are essential to strengthen your body build.
Physical conditioning
In any athletic sports, enhancing fitness and sports efficiency means undergoing the conditioning process.
All over the conditioning phase, you do workouts that generate fitness advantages such as increasing speed and stamina, establishing strength, burning your calories, or even upon enhancing the muscles. An example of a conditioning approach includes cross-training in which you use various exercises to level-up your overall performance as an athlete.
To many athletes, this phase occurs throughout the year even with or without the season of the event they are into while these conditioning programs differ depending upon what kind of sports the athlete is participating, their age bracket, and even the role they play in the event.
Besides, this programs may include components that are into aerobic exercises such as swimming, riding stationary bicycles indoors, jogging, and many more that can raise the heart’s rate while practicing heavy breathing and respiration, and also exercise large muscles for prolonged periods.
Furthermore, anaerobic exercises or metabolic conditioning are also actively done by most athletes by doing squat thrusts, burpees, sprints, and jumping jacks. These activities involve releasing a lot of energy within a short period. This exercise usually builds lean muscle mass, while strengthening more of your bones.
Cooling down
While doing all these phases in exercising, the last thing to remember is to cool down body processes to allow your breathing, heart rate, and body temperature to return to its regular activity.
This stage is more likely the same as the warming up phase wherein athletes do activities at a slower pace; slow walking, stretching your legs as well as stretching your arms. Additionally, this will also assist in decreasing the soreness after a heavy workout performed.
Furthermore, this stage will enable your body to progressively move from the strenuous work to a resting or near-resting state, while also reducing the feeling of dizziness.
Being an athlete means taking up these long road of exercising and keeping up with the discomforts and pains that it is bringing. Only through a challenging process can real success be obtained.
Thus, it is a must to take note that considering more about your health is the most vital part of exercising. Preventing illnesses and injuries entail eating nutritious food, observing the proper diet, and consuming multivitamins and minerals can provide the nutrients needed by the body.
In any sport you’re in, always remember these essential training stages to guarantee an individual athlete’s optimal result.
Author’s Bio
A long-time entrepreneur, fitness enthusiast, and Columbia Business School Alum, Kenny has built his career around creating high-quality, reader-focused digital brands.