How can Communities Pull Together to Support Charities?
Source: Pexels
Seeking crowdfunding to support your own charitable goals is an admirable thing, and some people have managed to raise impressive amounts of money in this way over the years. But it’s the actual events that pull in the most money overall. The New York City Marathon, for instance, raises over $13 million each year when you take into account all the original sums gathered by the participants. If you want to do more for charity, you could try and organize wider projects within your own community as a way to successfully amass a large amount of funds.
The idea of having a large group of people get together in an attempt to raise staggering sums of money is not a new concept. Crowdfunding has taken inspiration from lotteries, which have been hosted throughout the world for the better part of a century. The lottery jackpots in the USA can reach extraordinary sums, with the highest ever recorded being $1.5 billion in 2016. Even slot games can hit massive amounts nowadays, and a number of the games listed have progressive jackpots which pay out in a lottery format. There is no denying the potential to make money when a lot of people chip in and do their bit.
Community charity projects require a leader with a lot of drive who has experience in organizing such events. You need to get everyone inspired to pull in the same direction for the greater good. To get started, you could try spreading the word about your charity of choice – if people are more informed, they are more likely to care about it, and the more they care, the more they will donate – so a personalized approach is always best. Try putting posters around town, or even ask to dedicate some time to speaking in your local church or community group.
In terms of events, a family fun day in the center of town is always a great option. And when it’s for charity, you can end up getting a lot of the stuff you need at a highly discounted rate. Try to find volunteers to work stalls for free, as well as make products and food to sell out of your own kitchen. Someone in the area is bound to have a friend who would be willing to provide a bouncy house or some rides on the cheap. Once you have the fairground set up, ask people to donate prizes for a raffle or tombola. You can make money by selling tickets to the event, as well as on the stalls and in the raffle. Before you know it, you will have accumulated a respectable amount of money for charity.
Getting your community together can be a fun and rewarding way of making large sums for charity. Using crowdfunding platforms can make the process even easier as well. Once you have done one event, it would be easy to get people on board with other moneymaking ventures such as fun runs and sporting contests.
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