Pledge Sports

The most important accessories for playing golf

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If you’re someone who’s looking to get into golf this upcoming season you’re more than likely also looking at what different things to purchase to get a good experience right off the bat. There are a ton of different things one can purchase to make playing golf a lot more fun. 

And in this text, we’re going to share some of the best alternatives that are available. Buying these ahead of the golf season kicking off in earnest is also a great way of saving some money on old stock, and ensures that you’re ready to go once the weather allows for more days spent on the golf course. If you’re looking to buy a new pair of shoes, check out this promo code for hey dude shoes

A good pair of golf shoes 

Even if one can take a pair of athletic shoes to a golf course, this is not something to recommend. Golf shoes are fit for purpose and offer up traction and support that simply can’t be beaten. It’s worth doing your research on this and not skimping out on the golf shoes. While most accessories such as clubs and the like can be bought used, golf shoes should always be bought new. 

A good golf towel 

Cleaning one’s clubs after every shot not only keeps them looking their best and increases their lifespan, but it also helps to make sure that you have a consistent pattern on the club during your strikes. Golf towels are not very expensive, but it is worth reading reviews on what other people are using and what they think of their towels. 

A breathable cap 

This is something that most newer golfers forget in all the excitement of picking out new clubs and researching what tees are best. Shade is incredibly hard to come by on a golf course and the last thing you want is to have the sun in your eyes as you’re teeing up for an important shot. Buying a cap that is breathable and lightweight not only keeps your head cool and the sun out of your eyes, but you’re going to look a lot more like a real golfer while out on the course. 

A good cooler for drinks 

This is not something that every golfer needs to purchase, but having the ability to enjoy a cold drink while out on the course can be a lifesaver. There are several different options available and one doesn’t need to get incredibly fancy. 


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