Farm girl trying to get to Argentina to play in her dream tournament
Jade Pinkney
- 0.00 % funded
- $ 0.00 pledged
- 0 Days Left

Text – My name is Jade Pinkney from Zambia. If you had asked me 6 years ago what my biggest dream was, it would be to play in the Argentine Open for polo. If you asked me one week ago, my eyes would light up and my heart would beat out of my chest at the thought of even being considered for such a tournament.
Today, I come to you as a humble farm girl, who’s pipe dream and long shot application paid off.
My mother died 7 years ago. Her and I had alway discussed playing in this polo tournament. For those of you who don’t know – the Argentine Open is a polo tournament where all the best players in the WORLD are invited to play a tournament together. You can imagine my surprise and shock when a humble farm girl from Zambia who has never had a dollar to her name was invited 2 days ago!
I have worked 18 hour days, 6 days a week for the past 6 years. I left home with £168 in my bank account from my dad as it was all he could afford raising 4 children on a single parents salary following the death of my mother. Since then I have worked very hard to send money home to help with schooling and education for my siblings. Today, I come to you with the request of raising money for myself, so I can achieve my one dream.
I’m trying to raise $8000 by the 5th December, so that I may get on a plane to Argentina and make my country proud, playing in a Ladies tournament that no woman from Africa has ever been invited to play in. Playing the Argentine open is the equivalent of playing the Masters in golf, or Wimbledon in tennis. It is the highest point a polo player can get to, and the thought of getting handed this opportunity makes me heart swell.
I really hope people can find it in their hearts to donate to me and my dream, and I will be ever indebted to those of you who can help me raise this money.